It has been a wet and wild ride to get here! It's the middle of winter in Oregon and we are enjoying plenty of earthing walks, tree climbs and river dips! This is largely due to inspiration from others who are getting outdoors no matter the weather!
To Be Naked (from the feet on up as far as you dare),
Or not be Naked ,
There is no Question!
As a pre-teen, I thought that anytime was a good time to go outside. Even mucking around in the rain on some brushy trails was downright delightful. I grew up in a mild climate and I wore whatever clothing I felt like. I ended up having to relearn my own abilities at clothelessness as a 30+ year old! It has been surprising and wonderful.
Waking up regularly to step outside barefoot and discharge any static-ey stuck energy into the earth, pull in the nourishing energy of Nature, sky dancing, dawn whispering, the mist hovering and crawling over the land, the cool dew on the grass enlivening and challenging me to draw deeper from within and let go of anything I may be grasping at or wanting to cling to. I even ran a mile in the snow barefoot and naked last winter! I have also started regular cold showers, cold river foot dips, and wearing no clothing for brief periods in 20 deg (F) to 30 deg winter weather. Pushing the limits of what I thought I was capable of if even a little bit here and there has "made all the difference" as Robert Frost writes:
Two paths diverged in a Wood, and I took the one less traveled by,
And it has made all the difference.
There is no need to stay inside (all the time) as a Nudist/Naturist in the winter time! In fact, it is good for our bodies to experience temperature fluctuations so that it can adapt for those kind of environmental conditions. In the last few weeks I have fallen in love with these five toed shoes that I picked up used last summer. There is no going back to "cast" type shoes!
For years now I have been gingerly walking from time to time across berry strewn trail, slipping over mountainous cobbles, and "toughing it out" in cold stream crossings. Wow! These shoes really allow a level of flexibility and strength when it comes to adverse environmental conditions! With them, I've been able to "break trail" in overhead berries, cross fast flowing streams while easily staying warm and even gripping on moss covered bowling ball cobbles! I highly recommend them to help get you outdoors more often, along with some inspiring reading material and hot cocoa of course...
I just got done reading a book about breaking ice cold records, groups who meet and exercise outdoors everyday of the year, people who challenge mammoth waves, and groups who get mangled in obstacle courses for fun! The entertaining read if you care to indulge is now widely available at fine libraries and such. Its title is "What doesn't kill us" and is judiciously written by a journalist adventurer named Scott Carney. If you're looking for a truly magical place to get out and participate in nature follow the link below!
We are in the trial phases of offering private and secluded all season Nudist/Naturist camping (also hiking and skinny dipping!), Spiritual retreats (yoga/meditation/visioning), Primitive Skills practice (aka Bushcraft or Survival skills), and Permaculture farm stays! The landscape photos above give you a taste of the natural beauty that awaits! Contact Dolittle Pastures for more info on how to register and visit.